We recommend that you read the Terms of Use of the websitedato.com before use, since frequent and continued use of the same will represent the acceptance of the terms. These conditions of the websitedato.com (hereinafter, "the site") as well as the Privacy Policies can be modified by the same without the need for notice or disclosure of the fact, so it is prudent that you review this landing with assiduously to be aware of updates.
If they do not coincide with the terms of use or fragments of them, we recommend that you do not continue on the site.
The information, values and scope of our products displayed on the site are subject to possible changes related to geographical areas, extraordinary cases and personal issues of the client. The terms and conditions reported on the site for each product of by WebDato are at a general level and not all conditions, applications, exceptions and benefits may be reflected.
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WebDato does not guarantee that: the websitedato.com will function uninterruptedly and correctly or that the errors displayed will be corrected, the navigation on the websitedato.com, the use of the server or the emails sent from a domain of its own are free of viruses or malicious software, the websitedato.com offers services that are available to you or that the functions of the site are usable by you in the geographical jurisdiction in which you are located.
By leaving your data corresponding to email address or telephone number, you are agreeing to join our database and that personal information may be used by WebDato for commercial purposes. At the same time, WebDato undertakes not to use this information for other purposes and not to sell, exchange, transfer or make this data public.
webdato.com disclaims any responsibility for injuries, claims, damages or actions arising from: the action of the site, the materials on the site or the inability to access it and the same for third-party sites linked to webdato.com ; errors, digital viruses, omissions or failures generated from the site, except for gross and concrete negligence of webdato.com.
The terms and conditions presented here are governed by and follow the laws of United States and were drawn up based on its provisions. This does not imply that there cannot be conflicts, disagreements, different interpretations or varied opinions of these terms, in which cases the user must communicate reliably with WebDato (Email: info@webdato.com). If the conflict still persists, both these terms and conditions and the company itself are willing to be submitted to the corresponding Courts.